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Section: New Results

ReCoMARTE: A Marte Based Profile for Dynamic Reconfigurable Systems Modeling

During the last decade, DPR has been widely studied as a research topic. Despite its intuitive appeal, the technique had eluded widespread adoption, particularly in industrial applications. This is due to the complexities of the provided design flow and the in-depth knowledge of many low level aspects of FPGA technologies used to implement DPR systems. The aim of our current work is to propose a methodology in order to allow us to introduce PDR in MARTE for modeling all types of FPGAs supporting our chosen PDR flow. Afterwards, using the MDE model transformations, the design flow can be used to bridge the gap between high level specifications and low implementation details to finally generate files used by the Xilinx EDK design flow for implementing the top-level SoC description of the system. Indeed, in its current version, UML MARTE profile lacks dynamic reconfiguration concepts and requirements for the reconfiguration at different abstraction levels. We have concentrated our efforts in the creation of the structural description of the system that is used as an input to the DPR design flow to facilitate the design entry phase of the DPR design flow. Therefore, we defined an extended version of MARTE called RecoMARTE (Reconfigurable MARTE) [16] model these concepts mainly at: